(202) 670-7072‬


We build integrated energy systems

We are energy system integrators, bringing sustainability, efficiency and energy-independence to industrial facilities and critical infrastructure. We are also manufacturers of proprietary rugged industrial and grid-scale battery energy storage systems . 



Solar power can help reduce electricity costs by generating clean energy that is free from fossil fuels. Once the solar panels are installed, the energy generated by them is free and requires little maintenance.

Solar power allows facilities to become more independent from the grid, reducing reliance on traditional sources of energy. This can provide greater energy security and help to protect against power outages.



Vertical-axis wind turbines are low-noise, environmentally friendly, cost-effective, high-capacity, long-life low-maintenance wind generators capable of generating electric power at very low wind speeds.

Adopting wind power allows organizations to diversify their energy sources, reducing their reliance on a single source of energy, balancing solar energy, and providing more flexibility in their operations.



SMARTESTORAGE™ batteries store excess energy generated from renewable sources, discharges it during times of high demand or when renewable energy is not available, reducing the need to purchase electricity from the grid at peak prices.

Backup power in the event of a power outage ensures that critical operations continue uninterrupted. Energy storage packs are fully customizable to meet individual needs. 



In numerous instances, an enterprise or firm may face challenges with energy supply, such as natural disasters, power outages, or voltage fluctuations. To address such issues, we have engineered a sophisticated system at an industrial scale, ensuring that the safe and uninterrupted supply of electricity to your plant, industrial site, or company remains unimpeded in the event of power outages. Integrating renewable energy sources into your operations can lead to greater energy security and cost-effectiveness for your business.


The electricity generated can be utilized for a variety of purposes beyond basic lighting and powering of electronic devices such as televisions, refrigerators, washers and dryers, laptops, and mobile phones. By sizing a solar system appropriately, it may be possible to meet the demands of electric heating/cooling and EV charging as well. Our solar and storage integrated solution can be tailored to residential settings to provide amazing benefits.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is the most transformational clean energy policy in history, don’t miss out!

The benefits of installing renewable energy generation and battery storage systems at commercial & industrial facilities

Cost savings

Renewable energy generation can help to reduce electricity costs for commercial and industrial facilities by generating clean energy that is free from fossil fuels. Once the renewable energy generation systems and battery storage systems are installed, the energy generated and stored by them is free and requires little maintenance.

Environmental benefits

Solar & wind energy generation and battery storage systems are clean and renewable sources of energy, producing zero or minimal emissions and reducing the carbon footprint of commercial and industrial facilities. This can help to reduce air pollution and mitigate climate change, making companies eligible for carbon credits and offsets.

Energy independence

Renewable energy generation and battery storage systems allow commercial and industrial facilities to become more independent from the grid, reducing their reliance on traditional sources of energy. This can provide greater energy security and help to protect against power outages.

Improved energy efficiency

Renewable energy generation and battery storage systems can help to improve the energy efficiency of commercial and industrial facilities by allowing them to better manage their energy usage. Stored energy can be used during times of peak demand, reducing the need to draw energy from the grid and lowering energy costs.

Backup power

Battery storage systems act as an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and provide long-term backup power in the event of a power outage, helping to ensure that critical operations can continue uninterrupted, and ensuring sensitive equipment is not damaged.

Government incentives

Many governments offer incentives for businesses that invest in renewable energy sources and battery storage systems. These incentives can include tax credits, grants, and other financial benefits, providing an additional motivation for businesses to switch to renewable energy generation and battery storage systems.



Operational continuity

Benefits of Energy Storage to Solar Farms

Benefits of Energy Storage to Solar Farms

As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy sources like solar power, battery energy storage systems like SMARTESTORAGE are becoming an increasingly important part of the equation. These systems provide a number of benefits for solar farms, including improved...

How to Create Revenue with SMARTESTORAGE Energy Banks?

How to Create Revenue with SMARTESTORAGE Energy Banks?

 1. Grid-scale energy storage: SMARTESTORAGE  can be used to store excess electricity generated from renewable sources (e.g., solar, wind) for later use, helping to balance the grid and improve the stability and reliability of the electricity supply. Customers can...